Welcome To Rocky Mountain Farmhouse
Hello, Hello!!! I’m Molli!

As the founder of Rocky Mountain Farmhouse & A Happy, Sassy, tad...just a tad bit Classy country girl from Colorado who is on a path to Live a life I don’t need a vacation from. I will share my knowledge with the women of the world.. Guys can play too, but this may not be the place for them
Our mission is to creating a global community where our passion for yummy food, creating a path that you dream about, and my love for impacting and empowering women to forge their own destiny through living a life by design, not by default.
Having time with family and loved ones and not having to be dependent on someone else dreams to be happy. Learning that there are simple steps you can follow and ways to learn fast and not have all the pains I have endured....They were no Fun & Expensive!
NOTE: This isn’t about quitting your job…Entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone…I know that corporate life can be awesome...you get a paycheck, you know it’s going to be the same every pay day, you get vacation maybe 2 times a year paid, you have some holidays off, you have a retirement account started and hopefully you contribute to the matching amount … Sounds pretty great Right??
Sounds pretty awesome if you have never been sprinkled with the entrepreneurial glitter…I was glittered at a very young age!Well, I have always walked to the beat of my own drum as they say... sometimes I’m a bit hard headed and determined...Over the years I have softened up a bit, but I have always loved to help others grow & realize they can do this too! REALLY YOU CAN!!!
I started this endeavor after going through many different avenues to earn a living! Getting laid off...over...and over....and over again! I soon realized that my destiny was in another persons hands. I was working to make another persons dreams come true. Not that it’s bad, but I wanted my families dreams to come true... So what can I do?
So I joined a network marketing business that I dove in with everything I had...I MEAN EVERYTHING!
- I went to all the training & events
- I bought all the cool stuff and new items
- I even made some money...
- I rank advanced and showed others how to do the same
- I learned about other ways of living a life by design
- I made some amazing lifelong friends along the way

Then I realized that I’m not just a product, now my family had a hard time with this one because I was ALL IN! I love many different products, but one thing I love even more is helping others find their Sassy Brilliance, feeling fabulous on the inside and out, and by doing what they love! Some people call this a Genius Zone...I like Sassy Brilliance
So, if you have made it this far then join me and know that this is a high mountain that takes time to climb!
I will show you the secret paths that are along the way...
Let’s make your life, a life you don’t need a vacation from!
Let’s get climbing!